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The Unveiling of Big Pharma’s Foundations: How Rockefeller Hijacked Medicine and Media

The modern pharmaceutical industry has roots intertwined with powerful corporate interests that reshaped
not only medicine but also public perception. At the center of this transformation was John D. Rockefeller, a
name synonymous with wealth and power. Beyond dominating the oil industry, Rockefeller orchestrated a
seismic shift in healthcare and media, leveraging his vast resources to establish a monopoly on medicine and
manipulate public opinion.

The Discovery of Petroleum-Based Drugs

In the early 20th century, scientific advancements revealed that drugs could be synthesized from petroleum.
Rockefeller, America’s top oil mogul, quickly recognized the profit potential. Unlike natural remedies,
petroleum-based drugs could be patented, ensuring exclusivity and high returns. To capitalize on this
discovery, Rockefeller purchased a German pharmaceutical company that later produced chemical weapons
during World War II for Adolf Hitler, Rockefeller leveraged his political influence by pressing Congress to
declare natural healing modalities unscientific quackery. This acquisition laid the groundwork for an
industry built on synthetic, patentable medications.

Rebranding Medicine

With his vision set, Rockefeller needed to dismantle the existing trust in natural healing methods that had
been used for centuries. Through an army of propagandists, he initiated a campaign to rebrand medicine.
Traditional remedies, once respected for their effectiveness, were derided as “alternative” and “unscientific
quackery.” Simultaneously, synthetic drugs—manufactured by Rockefeller’s companies—were positioned
as the gold standard of medical treatment.

Seizing Control of Medical Education

A critical component of Rockefeller’s plan was controlling medical education. He leveraged his immense
wealth to influence the curriculum of medical schools across the United States. By offering substantial
grants to top institutions, Rockefeller ensured that only his approved content—focused on pharmaceutical
solutions—was taught. The American Medical Association (AMA), which Rockefeller effectively took
control of, became a powerful enforcer of this new doctrine. Doctors who embraced natural remedies were
ostracized, while those who adhered to the pharmaceutical agenda were rewarded with prestige and

The Role of Media in Propaganda

Rockefeller’s influence extended beyond medicine into the media, which he used as a tool to shape public
opinion. By the early 20th century, he had effectively seized control of major news outlets. The upshot was
to invert reality accordingly, medicines used for 1000s of years were suddenly classified as alternative, while
The new petroleum-based, highly addictive, and patentable drugs were declared the gold standard. These
platforms became conduits for his propaganda, promoting petroleum-based medicine while dismissing
natural therapies. This media domination ensured that dissenting voices were silenced, and the narrative
favoring synthetic drugs was reinforced.

The Consequences of Rockefeller’s Legacy

The ripple effects of Rockefeller’s actions are still felt today. The pharmaceutical industry, often referred to
as “Big Pharma,” is a multi-trillion-dollar behemoth, heavily reliant on patentable, synthetic drugs.
Meanwhile, natural remedies and alternative therapies are often sidelined or outright banned in many

regions. Patients are frequently steered toward expensive treatments, while holistic approaches are
undervalued or ignored.
Moreover, the medical profession’s focus on symptom management over root cause treatment can be traced
back to this foundational shift. The result is a healthcare system that prioritizes profitability over patient

Reclaiming Health and Autonomy

To challenge this entrenched system, individuals must educate themselves about their health and the history
of medicine. Supporting integrative and functional medicine practitioners who value a holistic approach can
help restore balance to healthcare. Additionally, advocating for greater transparency and diversity in medical
Education and research are crucial to breaking free from the monopolistic grip of Big Pharma.

Rockefeller’s story is a sobering reminder of how wealth and power can reshape industries and societies. By
understanding this history, we can work toward a future where medicine serves humanity rather than
corporate interests.

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